Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Here are answers to a selection of frequently asked questions about Precer.
What is electricity generation from solid fuel? The Precer charge module can be placed as rollback source in an electrical hybrid vehicles (car, truck, forestry, boat, etc.) driven by power from the batteries (series hybrid). Another use is to use the charge module to generate electricity in homes and cottages. The basic technique is the same in different applications.

What is the basic technique? Combustion of solid fuels for electricity generation is the basis for the Precer technology. The core is a burner with specially-adapted zone of combustion operating a heat engine which in turn charging batteries. The batteries can provide electricity to a building or power an electric motor in a hybrid. The fuel may be pellets, wood chips, or other types of solid biofuels.
What is a pellet? Pellets, or fuel pellets as it is also called, is a solid biofuel in pelletized form produced from various plant fibers and by-products from forestry and wood processing industry. Manufacture of pellets is accomplished by various plant fibers or saw or cutter shavings dried and then milled to a finer fraction. Then pressed the minced material under high pressure and formed into pellets. Pellets have a very low moisture and high energy content compared with unprocessed biofuels. This makes it more profitable to transport and easier to use as fuel in various applications.
How much pellets draws a pellet-powered vehicle? Pellets typically contain a little below 5 kWh energy / kg and this corresponds to approximately one-half liters of gasoline in energy content. Fuel consumption depends on vehicle type and size. You can use Precers technology rollback to most types of vehicles, from motorcycles and quadricycles to buses, trucks and boats.
How large tank is needed for a pellet-driven car? A 60 kg pellet tank hold about 86 liters in volume, that is, in principle, the same tank as it is in a normal vehicle today.
What is climate neutral fuel? Pellets are a processed biofuel as part of nature’s cycle and are climate neutral. Burning pellets brings no additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide emitted during combustion is the same as was raised by the tree during its growth and are therefore included in the natural cycle.
Is it gas? Precer does not use either gasification or combustion engines. Instead, the fuel is burned during the orderly and clean combustion and the heat produced is used to drive a heat engine. Heat engine provides power to the batteries, which in turn provides power to one or more electric motors driving the vehicle forward.
Why not use the chips instead of pellets? Pellets consist of compressed plant fibers; you can call it a processing chip. It has a high and specific energy content per volume, has specific moisture content and a homogeneous composition. This makes it possible that by controlling the oxygen supply has a very even and clean burning with very low emissions as a result. Pellets occupies less volume, less moisture sensitive and is available as standard (SS 187120). Chips may be an interesting alternative to a stationary application (CHP).
Which heat engine is used? The choice of heat engine is governed by the requirements of the product. Different heat engines are used in different cases and Precers technology is not locked to any particular type. In some cases are suitable turbines best, in other cases a Stirling engine, a steam engine or different types of electronics to produce electricity.
Where can I get your products? Precer does not sell directly to end users, but to the companies that use Precer technology in their applications. Keep an eye on the website to see when they are launched.
Concept vehicles? Precer Group creates concept vehicles to show the technology for potential customers. Precer are currently working on the generation 2 (G2) platform. You can Download Concept Vehicle Data Sheets (PDF-file) below.
Precer Autotech Prototype (G1) BioRacer one , Precer Autotech Prototype (G2) BioRacer two
